flush down
- You're never gonna guess what somebody tried to flush down.
你绝对猜不到系办休息室的马桶里。 - Shelly: Good. I am just gonna flush myself down the toilet now.
好的,我现在就到马桶去把自己冲掉。 - Put it in the trash, bury it or even flush it down your own toilet?
扔到垃圾桶,埋掉或者甚至用马桶冲走吗? - You can flush me down the toilet for all I care, just as long as my widow doesn't need to decide whether or not she loved me enough to spend another$ 10,000 on the "Cherished Forever" casket.
你可以将我的尸骨冲进马桶,只要我的遗孀不需要决定是为了表示足够爱我而另外花10.000块去买所谓“永远珍爱”的骨灰盒。 - I may as well flush my money down the toilet.
我就像是把钱冲进马桶一样。 - Flush all those theories down the drain.
把这些理论都冲到下水道里去吧! - A slight flush suffused her pale face, and she looked down, speaking to her hands.
她苍白的脸颊上泛起一抹红晕,低下头看着自己的手。 - Flush with the success of a millionaire visa program to attract wealthy Chinese, Australia is now promising citizenship to rich Americans who are willing to bring their cash and entrepreneurial talent Down Under.
澳大利亚的百万富翁签证项目成功吸引了大批中国富豪,现在澳政府又向那些愿意将钞票和创业人才带到澳州来的美国富豪伸出了入籍的橄榄枝。 - You need it to flush the waste products your body makes when it breaks down fat for energy, or when it processes protein.
你需要它在分解脂肪化作能量或加工蛋白质时帮你排除身体所制造的废物。 - Increasing the back flush frequency reduces the irreversible membrane resistance increment, slows down the flux decline and improves the velocity of net water production greatly.